Friday, October 19, 2012

As Of Yours...

Amidst the crowd, of millions
Between the lines, of nuances
I had seen you fighting
For simplicity and innocence

As a traveler along those roads
I had tried to be your companion
But whenever I tried
Got flunked and remarked

I know, I was lacking somewhere
And want to improve at a point
The only  point , where my thoughts  are clear
But not pure, As Of Yours.


  1. Nice, Ruchi, this one makes me think. Rejection of course. It happens a lot but what to do?
    I would hesitate to use the work 'improve' in my poem, you are brave.
    I would be more apt to say 'willing to change' which would avoid judgement as to how pure my thought are or are not.
    That is the reason I could not write a poem this way, one that tugs at the heart. You did well.

  2. The first para really set the mood of the poem ... loved reading it ... simple and full of emotions !!!

  3. It's good to have some self examination, especially if we know for sure we were wrong about something but, not to be bullied into seeing something someone else's way, if it isn't right for us.
    Very nice poem :) Thanks for the visit too Ruchi!

  4. Simplicity is a real beauty that comes when you starts to believe in completely. Go for it, Ruchi :)
    You'll get to know yourself more...
    My best wishes


  5. I know, I was lacking somewhere
    so I too thought
    unless I realized
    perfection was not real.
    I am not perfect. I am real.
    I am good for you,
    but I am best myself.


  6. Beautiful expression. A wonderfully written poem.

  7. Ruchi,

    Once clarity of thoughts come, purity will not be far behind.

    Take care

  8. "I had seen you fighting
    For simplicity and innocence"...beautiful idea! nice poem!

  9. but why will he/she want to improve?

  10. hmhm... Is the poem addressed to a kid??

  11. sounds like a special person this is written for. lovely!

    Happy 2013! G
